Wednesday, 22 June 2011

23 things for professional development

Ok, so I am going to take part in 23 things for professional development and I'm going to write a short post on why.

I guess, after 3 1/2 years in my dream job now, I am starting to feel a bit like I have lost my way and want to get my enthusiasm back. I gained chartership status in August last year and, although it was lovely to finally get it, it has left me feeling a bit 'what next' about my career. Also, I have just finished a nine month secondment as a Deputy Librarian, which again was brilliant, I met loads of new people and learned lots of new skills but, nine months on, I am now back to the job I left in September last year and trying to find some new challenges, enter, stage right, '23 things for professional development'. This will hopefully give me new ideas for ways of working in my career and give me some new contacts.


Hello, this is the first post from my new blog so I thought I would introduce myself, my name is Charmian and I am currently the Assistant Librarian for Arts, Business and Sport at the University of Winchester in the United Kingdom. I have been here for three and a half years now and have just finished a nine month secondment from my job whilst I was covering for the Deputy Librarian and dipping my toe into the muddy waters of management. I qualified in 2006 and gained chartered librarian status in 2010.